AITA for Supporting my neighbors kid by letting her mow my lawn for $50 bucks?

Yeah although If we look at it from a fuckin common sense standpoint, she's 16 years old not a 12 year old or something. So I totally get that.... But, shit gets complicated when a minor tells you her folks don't want her to do something and you knowingly insert yourself into an already precarious situation.

OP could have talked to her parents about it before. No matter who you are, you do not undercut a kid's parents. Parents hate that when even grandparents do something they ruled against.

Common sense, I get it but legally she's a kid man. You do not know or understand the details and history of their relationship and why the parents ruled against it.

Unfortunately, no matter what your opinion is on how another parent should treat their kid or what rules another parent has set for their kids doesn't matter and in the end it's very entitled of you.

Helicopter parents? Could be. Neglect? Could be. You see or hear something that you really believe is fucked up? Call the cops, call child protective services. That's your only recourse. Otherwise everyone thinks they know what's actually best for someone else's kid WITHOUT knowing exact details.

Also, of course a huge chunk of Reddit is going to be biased. What do you think all the teens on Reddit feel about this?! You already know. Let's just say I would answer this differently years ago thinking I was the shit and now I know that I didn't know jack shit. Go ask some parents bro.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent