AITA for swapping graphics cards with my pops?

YTA: Mostly because it sounds like you ate taking advantage of you dad’s lack of tech knowledge rather than helping him.

If you care about your dad you need to sit down with your dad and figure out why he spent 3k on a graphics card when he is just surfing the web and watching videos. 3k is a lot of money to waist.

If your dad is not tech savvy, as his kid you should offer to help him figure out his tech needs in the future. If the graphics card can be returned, then help him do that. If it can’t be returned and you have money, offer to buy it from him. If you don’t have money, then maybe help him set up a steam account, show him how to buy a few high resolution games that he might enjoy and leave him to it.

If he really can’t use the graphics card, has no interest in any games, and is okay letting you have the cards then it is okay to accept it. However, make sure he understand what he has given you and treat it as a gift not a swap.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread