AITA For taking my girlfriend's sister's son to the Police station?

I was eventually allowed to go but my work shift was ruined because of this.

Based on this, a very soft E SH. The gf's sis for obvious reasons. You for choosing a way, that was correct on the outside but made things worse in the end. If you have waited home, your shift would be ruined anyway, without the troubles at police. You could still make a report to police and/or CPS after this.

Edit: Changed to NTA. This sub is about moral decisions, not about smart decisions. So no one should be judged in your situation, where you had only choises between bad, worse and worst. And you are excused at work (i hope) due to police report, otherwise you could get more problems. I hope at least you did not get more problems at work.

PS: You work in hospital? Additional NTA just for that, sorry for my previous judgement.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread