AITA for taking the vegetables of my kid's burgers?

My dad is the same way. "Eat what I make or don't eat at all." So I would chew on the food I hated and secretly spit it into my water cup (it was a solid color) until dinner was over. This was back when we ate as a family. By middle school or high school we ate separately. My mom would always wonder why I was addicted to fast food and hated home cooked meals. Well, because the asshole you married and decided to spawn with always cooked food I hated and wouldn't let me make something else that I could eat.

Years later, I was discussing this with my mom and she mentioned she always wondered why my cups had chewed up food in them when she did the dishes. She just chalked it up to me being a weird kid because I would do strange things that only made sense to me as a kid. Also, I still don't care for homecooked meals as a result. I can't wrap my brain around the concept of food tasting better when made at home versus take out because that has never been my experience. Even when other people cook for me I'm like yeah it tastes good, but not great.

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