AITA for telling my daughter to get an abortion?

Not the asshole.. I have worked with kids in special education in the past (live-in home care and coaching special Olympics) and as much as I enjoyed my time working with these kids, I have to agree with your views. Seeing these children struggle to fit in, make friend.. seeing the strain it puts on their families and worst of all, if they do not belong to a family that is ready to take on their challenges, they can be neglected or abused.. and that’s simply not fair for anyone. Some children aren’t as high functioning as others and this can create a huge problem when it comes to communication. I had an experience with a low-functioning child who had food allergies we (the gym staff) were unaware of, and the child was unable to inform us of.. the result was terribly upsetting. There are these small but important things. Also had the same child pee on themself several times despite being asked if they needed to use the toilet.. it doesn’t seem like a big deal in writing but this is time that was now spent changing their clothes (which takes a while) rather than enjoying the activities we had planned..

Tell her to really research and see if it’s something she honestly thinks she can handle/afford..

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread