AITA for telling my GF to get an abort?

I have pcos and am infertile. It is not impossible. I don't think it's unfair that he took her for her word, and perhaps he did even research the diagnosis. Not being a woman and being unfamiliar with the complex inner workings of the female body and perhaps seeing anicdotal evidence substantiating his girlfriends claims does not make him an asshole or unreasonable. And it seems that even after finding out he was patient and fair with her. They had an agreement that if this very instance occurred she would absolutely get an abortion. So he made sure they both had a plan in case she did by some anomaly get pregnant. I don't see how that's irresponsible. I understand women and abortions is a sensitive issue that is often associated with unfair and oppressive conduct towards said women, but in this instance this guy was taken advantage of and treated more than unfairly and the responsibility is on this girl.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent