AITA for telling my brother-in-law to stop asking my sister to fetch him things while we were visiting their house?

YTA. You have no idea the relationship dynamic. This is the one sided account of someone who didnt like someone getting someone coffee.

My wife and I love our roles and I can easily see some pretentious feminazi whining about "slavery" lol. I guess my labor is slavery too.

Her sister -my SIL- literally tried to "save her" and it was just her awkwardly looking at me while we laughed in her face. She asked her to run away because she looked "miserable." It was pretty much SIL projecting every insecurity SIL ever had and it was the most embarrassing thing for SIL. We literally laughed in her face when she offered to "save" my wife. The nerve.

You tried to save her and embarrassed her because she now knows: regardless of the lovely life they could have together you think lesser of her for serving and treating her man. Some people like certain roles.

Wait until you find out some woman like to be stay at home moms! You are going to get really self rightous then.

It's always "feminism" until woman do something the feminazis dislike. You need help and you need to stop sticking your nose up at your sister. You are not better than her if she chooses that role and lifestyle.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread