AITA for telling my wife that when/if she quits her job to be a SAHM I am not planing to do much in the way of household chores anymore?

I think it depends. Working a full time job can be more physically draining but being a SAHM can be more mentally exhausting and lonely. My Ex husband didn’t want me to work. But for me to keep my sanity I had to work at least part time. Going to work was kind of me time. I got to communicate with other adults, not just kids all day,If I needed to use the bathroom or eat something I was at peace knowing my child wasn’t going to be clinging to me asking me a million questions. Both have their pros and cons. Just make sure you take time to appreciate each other and the things they do to contribute to the family. Don’t pick fights about who has it easier and who works harder, all that will do is create resentment. Help each other out as much as possible. Remember each person is sacrificing something whether it be the SAHM or the husband working full time.

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