AITA for telling my husband he can’t have his nieces/nephews over at our house even when I’m not there?

YTA! He probably started visiting with them through the day because he knows you don’t like children but now you’re gonna take that from him too? It’s one thing to not want children but to prevent him from seeing his nieces and nephews when you’re not even around - wtf am I reading??? Are you serious?

Unless you’re coming home after work to a noisy, sticky mess - I don’t think you really have the right to say much! You’re husband is already trying to respect you and being quietly reasonable about your unreasonable phobia of his family!

Nobody is asking you to wipe drool or change diapers! When you’re old and lonely, don’t be surprised when those GROWN children have no interest in visiting or helping take care of your old bitter ass. Because trust me, one day the roles will be reversed and it will be you wearing the diaper, drooling all over yourself.... wondering why no family cares enough to come around!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread