AITA For telling my husband it's me or his games?

NTA!!! Former wife of a gamer here. If you asked this off-Reddit I'm guessing you would have a lot more support. Like, your husband deciding for you both that he is too stressed to deal with anything so he "has to" play games is bullshit.

I used to play games, most of my friends were gamers, but when I had kids I just didn't have time anymore. Especially after I started working full time. My job is stressful and I sometimes I work more at home after the kids are in bed and -- guess what, I'm an adult and nobody has ever, ever, ever taken away my problems and handed me a PS4 remote.

My ex (after 12 years of marriage) never stopped gaming and would come home and switch on some game until 1-3am. After years of discussions and arguments he whittled it down to Wednesdays and Saturdays, after the kids were in bed, and Pokemon Go. Like, I would be putting dinner on the table and he would be rushing out the door to reclaim a gym or go to a raid.

I would be stressed out and exhausted and depressed and didn't get to go hide downstairs. You might want to consider getting a paying job. It will let him off the hook a little and give you some leverage.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread