AITA for telling my mom I think it’s disgusting she is having another kid


Cause she's already pregnant. If she was planning on another kid, you could have tried to say that it's selfish. But now that she's already pregnant - YOU're the one that's being selfish.

What do you expect, your 46 mother of 10 to get an abortion on her 11th?

People are so cold these days. You mentioned she never worked, and is not much of a homemaker either.

CLEARLY her only joy in life is raising children, bro... come on.

I feel bad for OP's mom.

P.S. Yeah sorry you were "forced to raise your siblings" or whatever. I don't think that's a reason to become baby hitler though. (I'm pro choice, but when the mom makes her own. not other people's pro-choosing for her, knawatimean?)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread