AITA for telling my wife not to cook that recipe again?

Hi Wife Who Made The Recipe here! I personally think it's hilarious how many comments our little disagreement has gotten. So, I've decided to make a Reddit account so i can clarify a few things:

  1. Yes, I made a quick crock-pot "dump and go" meal. Was it the best thing I've ever, but it wasn't terrible...I even packed it for my lunch for work.
  2. Yes, my husband did come up in the room that night and thanked me for dinner with kiss on the forehead.
  3. The very next day, he ate all the leftovers for his breakfast & lunch. I didn't know this until he mentioned that he did later that night when I texted him that there was leftover stew in the fridge for him when he got home from work (unbeknownst to me, he had already consumed them).
  4. Yes, he brought it up that he didn't like the recipe and for me not to make it again. I was not offended by that comment. He's told me before if a dinner I made was bland and has suggested different ways I can improve my cooking. He's a better cook than I am, but I do try to improve. I try to make different things to test out what works and what doesn't. And this recipe was a miss, but I was okay with that, like I said it's happened before.
  5. I was more "hurt" by the comment "I could've gone my whole life without that recipe". That kind of made me feel small. Yes, I said "Well, I made it". I understand it was a dud recipe, but I was the one who made it, so I still feel responsible for it. As I wife I just wanted to make him proud and happy, and I felt like I didn't and to be honest was little embarrassed. When I did mention about my feelings being hurt because of the comment, he insisted that I was silly to feel that way. It is what it is, and I'm pretty much over it lol.

In the end, my husband is a great man and an amazing father. I don't think he's an asshole, but he could work on his tactfulness. I love you babe!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread