AITA for telling my wife that I would leave her if she took our son to her (IMO) racists Uncle's house for the Holidays?

INFO what was your wife’s response? Did she argue back or did you just go right into “do what you want but I’ll leave”. If you said you didn’t want your baby around him and why, and she argued and said you were wrong, that’s one thing. If you just went right into an ultimatum before a discussion, that’s a whole other thing. Regardless, this man is not good and I don’t blame you one bit for not wanting to be around him. Your wife should have your back on that. That’s straight up aggressive racism and it’s not something you should have to deal with ever. It’s damn sure someone you don’t need to have your kid around. Withholding judgement until I know how your convo went down.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread