AITA for telling my son to shut up or to move out of my house?

Isn't it nice and quiet now that he's in his room all the time? I'd say, don't cave in, don't beg him to come down. If anything you should go and tell him this has gone long enough, either suck it up or leave. But stop being so passive aggressive and hope that the entire family will fall down on their knees in front of your door to stop you from sulking in your room. The world can't (and won't) keep you and your little feelings in mind all the time, especially if you won't do the same for them. Something tells me he should have been told to shut up a long time ago.

He's not forced to live with you, there's no chain and balls around his ankle keeping him there, he is allowed to leave. If he's not happy living where he lives, why stay? But if you stay, this is your house and your rules.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread