AITA for telling my son to shut up or to move out of my house?

The information is there, you just have to see it. In op's original post, she says "my kids started arguing over some task my son apparently didn’t complete fast enough for my daughter." That's a pretty clear indication that the sister started the fight. But just in case it's not clear enough for you, op clarifies later in her comments: As for my daughter picking a fight, yes. She did. She was upset because my son promised to do something days ago and he hasn’t yet. He explained. She shot him down. If you read some of my replies I do talk about how she is bossy. So that takes care of your confusion about how the fight started. It's interesting that you felt totally comfortable constructing a completely made up scenario to support the conclusion you'd already come to, namely that "it doesn't matter who was because it was the brother who tried to keep it up at the fiance after he was told to quit it because he has heart problems." Which you're actually wrong about too. They BOTH knew that the fiance had heart problems, and the sister still chose to start a fight - she just backed off knowing that the brother would defend himself, and thus get all the blame.

Soooo i hope i cleared that up for you.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent