AITA for telling my grandma she looks like Ronald McDonald because she wouldn’t stop telling me I look like a bull with my nose ring in?

does not “ruin” my face

We don't know that without image of face. Maybe there's a sub like r/howdoilook or r/doesthissuitme where people can give genuine opinion but you are baised too. Maybe it does look ok or it does not. You got it pierced spent time, money and effort on it. It would hurt so much to accept or even see the truth. Gence your opinions are baised towards that.

and even if it does it’s really not her place

Now that's Truth. She should love you irrespective of how you look. Why does she care so kuch as to say it a Million times when you already let her know you don't appreciate her opinion on this? Who knows.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread