AITA for telling my ex girlfriend's daughter that I "abandoned" that I'm not her father?

Ooooh, you're a MGTOW. That explains your asinine comment.

Yeah, dude, the guy has suffered. I really, truly, feel for him. It must feel absolutely awful to find out that not only has your wife cheated on you, but the kid you've been raising for 3 years isn't yours. But that isn't what we're debating here. We're talking about the kid. Not a single person in this post has said that he should have stayed with his ex.

That 3 year old is now a 13 year old that is suffering. It's like you forgot that kids grow up and have feelings then too.

Doesn't change the fact that he abandoned the child. Your lack of empathy for the kid is seriously appalling and you're a disgusting human being. I know that the child is a girl and that you can't empathize or sympathize with anyone that isn't male, but hopefully one day you'll grow up.

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