AITA for telling my wife we shouldn’t call 911 every time our daughter has a seizure?

Paramedic here. I just want to clarify that febrile seizures are the result of spiked fevers in pediatrics, not usually the other way around.

A Paramedic will always suggest to take your daughter to the ER for two reasons. 1 is to make sure there isn't any other underlying condition going on, and 2, for liability reasons. That's a big one. If we just believe a family who says it's not a big deal, but maybe they themselves were informed wrong, we could get in a lot of trouble and lose our license. Paramedics will also know how to handle a febrile seizure so no need to let them know the steps unless they were true first responders and do not have a license as an EMT or as a Paramedic.

On the contrary, if this does happen on a regular basis, I would suggest another follow up with your neurologist to see if something else is going on. 6 febrile seizures is a lot.

And last, you are correct, the best thing for your child is to cool her down. Unclothing her and using passive cooling measures (essentially not ice packs or cold water) is what she needs. Cuddling with her is the opposite as it does create more warmth and will not cool her down.

Hope this helps!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread