AITA for telling my girlfriend and friends it was stupid to go to the beach/nature/hikes and that they should stop asking me to go with them?

I actually have to go NTA. I know everyone is saying you were a jerk here, but you have been telling these people for what sounds alike months at this point that you do not like going on trips.

You keep being ignored. You keep being nagged. You keep being pressured. You get told that your views are wrong. You get told you need to grow and develop. You get told you need to "learn".

Fuck that. Youre allowed to not like things and don't need to explain yourself. You were nice in response for all this time and kept getting pressured, and you finally told them what you think about it. You never said they were stupid for liking it, you just said that you thought the activity was stupid.

I see that I will be in the minority, but nta all the way. There's only so long you can be pressured and pushed and prodded and told you're wrong before you snap. I don't even think that you were unkind to them in your snap, so nta for sure.

Your edit concerns me though. Are you struggling with depression? This response would be extreme.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread