AITA for telling my partner that I won't date her if she gets into nude modelling?

I’m voting NTA but I’m gonna explain how I can definitely see you as the AH here. You say you don’t care if women do nude modeling, but that the women you date can’t. That implies that you look down on women who do nude modeling, because those same women “aren’t good enough for you” because of their profession choice. Compare how you feel about women doing nude modeling vs men in the same field. Do you look down on them for having that job in the same way/do you devalue them as a person just for their job choice? I just wanted to point out the vaguely sexist undertone to that mindset, because that’s probably part of what got your partner so upset.

I think you should be allowed to date/break up with anyone for basically any reason though, so my verdict stands.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread