AITA for telling my teenage daughter I don’t feel the need to tell her I love her?

YTA, but I'm going to give it lightly because I'm in your shoes.

I got married and pregnant at 19, and my daughter is also 13. Her father couldn't handle being a decent human being. Him and his family are not in the picture. This of course has added extra stress to my life

I grew up an only child with an unaffectionate mother, and this has made me have tendencies of being cold as well.

My daughter has come up to me and said she doesn't feel loved which hurts. In my head I show it by buying her favorite snacks, or taking her camping, or telling her to pick the music. I'm so fucking worn out from working, cooking dinner, trying to maintain a tidy home, that I forget that sometimes what my daughter really needs is to be told she is special, and she is loved.

I know you may not need to hear those things because you've always dealt with being independent and taking care of business. But they're so fragile. They need to be hugged and told they're funny, talented, amazing people no matter how pretty and popular they are.

My cold mother screwed me up and I am trying my best not to do that to my kid. Don't forget to be silly with her. She's still just a little girl who wants to know her mom loves her.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread