AITA for telling my daughter she’d thank me later about her hair?

YTA, I had parents like you. I know you mean well, but let me tell you what I ended up doing. When I was 14 I went into the bathroom and sawed off my hair with scissors. It took longer than I thought it would. That was a weird teenage rebellion turning point for me. I realized that my parents could punish me and ground me, but I had free will and I could make my own decisions. I was grounded for what seemed like forever, and when my hair started to grow longer again I cut it again with scissors. It was liberating. Teenagers are growing into their own person. They're learning what it's like to think for themselves. Make your boundaries something that ACTUALLY matters. Drugs, drinking,..things that can actually harm them...okay. Put boundaries on that. Don't try to force your teenager to be what you think they should be simply because of a style difference. They will resent you and rebel.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread