AITA for telling my friend is he is sexist, selfish, and not ready to get married?

I dealt with both in an abusive relationship, and they’re not the same. Just more like two symptoms of the same disease.

Gaslighting - making you doubt your own sanity and sense of reality. My way of dealing with it was to start meticulously documenting everything. Then when he tried to claim that I was making stuff up, that it never actually happened, I could show him the record of the exact date and time that it happened. He complained about the record-keeping, but it took away a lot of his power. Because I had tangible proof that I was not insane.

Telling you you’re worthless — making you doubt the value of your existence, and convincing you that there’s no point in leaving because no one else would love you either. The point is to make you give up, stay, and put up with all the BS. I can see what you’re saying, that it’s like gaslighting because it’s skewing your sense of reality. But it’s all about destroying your self-esteem, rather than messing with your sense of what events have actually transpired.

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