Aita for telling my husband that's he's a useless dad

ESH To comment section: is divorce the only solution to marital problems?

You both suck at communicating. Go to counceling and talk out of you problems.

He works, and you dont (assuming). He probably is exausted, and i dont see you telling him in this post that you require him to be a more active parent. He is thinking that your work is the kids and the house. Make him understand that its not, and if it is that you share the burden.

Arguments if not solved lead nowhere and both parties suffer.

You did not go far, these are words that nobody whants to sayxto a loved one, but stres make us express frustrasion to our loved one in a unitended way.

My adivce. Before counceling. Sit down and talk. Say what do you whant from him, and what is going on with you. Ask him what he wants, and tell him what you feel when he says what he wants.

If you are exausted, tell him in a calm manner what do you whant him to do. If he rejects or acts like a child. Tell him what you feel. (Dont use "you" sentences like : "you sre making me sad", use something like : "i feel sad because i cant do that thing, and can you do it?")

Having 3 children is a handfull, and i can see myself in this situation in wich i work and my wife doesnt. Getting home from work and doing stuff whould be frustrating, but if i was asked i whould without a problem do it.

I wish you both the best, and dont do anthing rash.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread