AITA for telling my wife she shouldn't compare herself to "pretty" younger women at this point in our lives?


It’s tough. I’ve never had confidence in my face and now that the body is aging too, I avoid mirrors and find myself shrinking away from the public. Doesn’t help that we are older parents, so my kids’ friends’ parents are a solid 10-15 years younger than me. It is what it is. I think many people, all genders, have the same struggles.

But sounds like your wife needs some help pulling out of this and as good as your intentions are, it’s not enough. Your children will likely date age appropriate people, so this pretty girlfriend is just the tip of the iceberg. I feel like even if this younger woman was plain looking, your wife wouldn’t feel better about it.

Yeah. It’s probably time for therapy. You may need to GENTLY push back.

-Honey, I hope you know I think you are perfect. But you seem very hard on yourself and I don’t think I can make you feel better.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread