AITA for telling my daughters that I need a “vacation from being a dad”?

YTA. I understand a few days but 2 weeks? Away from your wife who has to look after 3 young children when you’re gone? Have you even thought how hard that would be for her while you’re relaxing? Are you a narcissist?

Have you offered to do all the childcare and housework for a month when you come back to make up for your selfishness, so she has the equivalent break?

Have you offered for her to go away for two weeks alone, while you do it all yourself for two weeks, or is the thought of doing it all too hard for you? Instead you offer her a holiday with the family where she still can’t relax and probably do most of the childcare.

And then you made the children feel like a burden? They are hard work but you do not tell them that or imply it in any way. You could have just left it at seeing friends, but instead you wanted them to feel like they owe you a break even though it was not their choice to be born or for you to be their father.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread