AITA for telling my sister she should've been more reasonable with her baby registry and not expected to get everything for the baby from it?

Nta. It was a little rude how you said it, but you weren’t wrong. Beggars can’t be choosers, and a baby shower/registry is literally a celebration of life with a side of * please buy stuff for my new baby *. A registry is meant to be a suggestion guide for people who don’t know what to get or want to get you exactly what you want. You can’t force people to use it though, and more often than not, they don’t. If you’re someone who has tons of wealthy friends, family coworkers, etc who want to buy you gifts, it’s fine to send them all an invite to the baby shower and include a link to the registry for them to use IF THEY WANT. If not, you really can’t get upset with people for giving what they can or want even if those things aren’t on the registry, because they’re giving you free stuff. If you don’t get what you want, you need to be prepared to buy your specific items yourself and that’s just the way it is. You can’t be picky, have expensive taste, AND be unwilling to buy your own items. Your sister being a brat. The fact that she’s posting on Facebook about how disappointed she is about all the free shit she received is tacky as hell.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread