AITA for telling my sister she shouldn't have announced her pregnancy so early?

YTA. People can announce their pregnancies whenever they like. Being uncomfortable with the idea of or knowing about a miscarriage is a YOU problem. Maybe she needs the emotional support to be able to cope with something so devastating.

I really, really hate that people have to hide pregnancy loss. How selfish to tell someone to pretend they didn’t just lose something significant, or to hide it. Not talking about it doesn’t make that pain go away for some people.

I work in labor and delivery. A lot of these late miscarriages have to be induced. That means a painful labor knowing that you’re suffering only to never bring that child home. And at 22 weeks especially… what comes out is a miraculously tiny human being. It’s a heartbreaking thing to see. I hate that anyone ever has to go through that pain.

Must be so nice for you to just be able to choose not to deal with it. Bury your head in the sand. And even some pregnancies that make it to viability have tragic endings. What an absolutely entitled thing to say to her. I just want to give her the biggest hug and I would happily celebrate with her as soon as she peed on that stick.

Wow… I didn’t mean to get so worked up, but it’s insane the things we hide at the expense of mental health in the name of polite society.

YTA. Please be kind to your sister.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread