AITA for telling my best friend in front of our other friends she stopped being supportive of me a long time ago?

I used to be Lani. NTA.

I’ll give you Lani’s possible perspective, at least how I lived it. Lani was super close to her friends and had a lot of unresolved personal issues, so she thrusted all of her energy and time into cultivating the relationships with her friends and put a lot of unfair expectations on these relationships as a way of coping with the personal problems.

When life began to happen and the friendships started showing signs of ending or fading away, Lani panics and lashes out in any possible way to keep things status quo. Because what happens when the friendships go away? Then Lani has to face her biggest fears, problems, and reality.

Lani was in no way justified in acting the way she did and you’re 100% in the right. If you really have some interest in salvaging the relationship (don’t blame if you if you don’t), consider this perspective.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread