AITA for telling my gf I refuse to plan my meals in advance?

Bruh yes. The underlining thought I had while reading this was about the division of labor and mental load. Like it’s a HUGE excuse for a lot of men to just be like “well I didn’t ask her/it doesn’t bother me” so they can just not participate in household chores and maintenance. Women are just as messy as men are when they live alone, it’s only when cohabitation occurs that for some reason women feel a need to pick up after their partners who see no issue ever.

It’s pure speculation of course but I can’t help but consider it since it’s so common and I can seenOP’s gf suffering because she feels overwhelmed by having to take care of everything while OP just sits on his butt all the time and instead blames it on her for being too high strung and think “she just needs to relax.”

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent