AITA for telling my friends pregnant sister that just because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean everyone needs to wait on her hand and foot?


If you're interested in women I feel sorry for any woman you get pregnant. You have no idea what being 8 months pregnant is like. It is that hard. It's hard to get up, bend down, sleep/lay down, walk. You're swollen and sore and feel sick. Imagine 8 months of that.

You also complained when she "didn't seem like she was in pain" but then also say it's annoying when she does complain about being uncomfortable/in pain. What do you want from her?

It's also pretty common knowledge that pregnant women can't handle soiled cat litter. If you're incapable of using common sense to empathize, at least use google. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt since you're only 18 but man. You're still an AH.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread