AITA For telling my pregnant daughter that my husband and I will have nothing to do with raising her baby in front of the entire family?

I was at the supermarket and I accidentally bumped into a woman while I was looking for my mother. I apologized and was about to continue on my way, but then I heard the lady complain to her friend about me in Arabic.

I looked back and she was smirking as if this was the coolest thing in the world. Little did she know that this ole white boy speaks Arabic at home and at church….

Usually I would just walk away because I am not a very fiery person, but she was basically swearing not only about me, but about my family too (some cultures insult your family when they are trying to insult you). I walked back to her and told her to watch her damn mouth in Arabic. I smiled and I walked away. But not before I saw the look of pure terror and shock on her face.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread