AITA for telling my wife I'll purchase the coffee I want, because I'm the one with a job?

Tell me you only have empathy for the person with depression without telling me…

He’s not looking to her to support him. This poor guy just wants to drink his coffee in peace.

The term caregiver is being used very loosely here. It sounds like a noose where one person doesn’t have to do anything to try to help themselves let alone the home, family, job or their partner, and the other must just bleed to death silently because guilt. Did you see that’s she’s not seeking treatment? Did you see that she has energy to spend money on her own hobby items monthly? But she can’t be expected to have enough empathy for her partner to let him drink his preferred coffee? He matters too. Even the most religious take on marriages allows an out for the three As… abuse, addiction, adultery. And if you don’t seek help for yourself when the life you are creating is making your partner cry, that’s getting to abuse, imo. Don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm and all.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent