AITA for telling my brother he has nobody to blame but himself for our dad being cold to him?

Okay. My dads secret gay affair partner texted me about two years ago exposing the affair. Wanna know what my first two thoughts were?

  1. Does my mom know about the situation and does she have access to resources and a support group that she may need?
  2. Is it my place to tell her (or him) that i know?

Wanna know who the first person i called was? My brother. Who else would I be able to talk to about the other two people i’m closest to in a situation like this? He responded by being scared, but agreed that it was our place to look out for BOTH of our parents.

This didn’t destroy our relationship because he didn’t tell me i was a shitty person for reaching out.

I love my brother. Undecided if you love yours.


/r/AmItheAsshole Thread