AITA For telling some tourists to go back to their country ?

I understand that our No nonsense aproach can be jarring to US tourists. It's not personal, I just want you to understand that we're not friends, I don't care about how you're doing, i just want you to enjoy your meal and fuck off, and you'll get the most efficent service ever. If you have some questions feel free to ask, but I'm not a guide either.

Once I had a middla aged lady ask me what I was up to on my day off. Now normally this is 100% a proposition, so I reacted in that way, saying pretty firmly that I was chilling with my GF. Then she started asking me enthusiastically what me and my GF like to do. I thought to myself Jesus Christ take the hint lady I'm not interested.

Turns out she just wanted recomendations for stuff to do with her husband. Which I gladly gave her, but the roundabout way of asking me was very unsettling.

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