AITA for thinking my sister shouldn't get to feel relief from the things she did?

I will note that to all of our knowledge, including my brother who is in regular contact with her, that he has never physically abused her. It's more emotional abuse and consistent controlling/manipulative behaviors, if anything she's been more physically aggressive. I think the last altercation he refused to let her leave the house and she pulled a knife on him. She's also thrown rocks at his truck before. Not that emotional abuse isn't bad, I just want it to be known that if she was being beat, regardless of what was happening between us, that it would only happen one time before probably everyone in my family grouped together to kick his ass. It's just a toxic sesspool of a relationship, that's why you should actually get to know each other before getting married, especially if you're the kind of person that doesn't believe in divorce.

She's been referred to different resources, my dad being a former pastor has a bunch of connections and has offered(via my brother) to assist her in utilizing those if she's ever ready to leave.

My personal belief is that she's hung up on a concept of one true love as well as doesn't want to be the "one that got divorced." Christian culture can be real fucked y'all.

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