AITA for threatening to move my sons computer to a public area if he didn’t respect his bedtime

I'm going to go with NTA for a few reasons 1. This is your house and your child and you gave him a rule. Your kid broke the rule and therefore should accept the consequences. 2. You explained the rule and why you were mad. Although you raised your voice, you did admit it and hopefully apologized to the kid for that. Ultimately, he broke the rule. Personally I would wait till it happened a few times until I moved the computer because it is such an impactful punishment. Maybe before that I would walk into the room around bed time and tell him in person to remind him of the time. I think in this situation you are being strict but certainly not an asshole. For a little background, I'm one of three who all love video games and have played since we were young. One of the biggest pitfalls with us playing games was the inability to balance games with other life necessities like sleeping on time or getting homework done (or in my case, going to classes). We learned in the end but it cost each of us in different ways. It's definitely not a bad thing to make sure your kid understands that it's fine to play games but he also needs to take care of the other aspects of his life. So again, NTA but maybe think about tapering the consequence until it becomes a larger problem.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread