AITA for threatening to sue my parents for taking out student loans in my name?

NTA and you absolutely need to sue them and file a police report and you need to start that process today. Your name is on loans that were obtained via fraud and your parents likely committed bank fraud in taking out those loans, which can carry a 30 year maximum sentence. You need to establish yourself as a victim of identity theft because, if “you” default on that loan, it’s going become quickly apparent that “you” didn’t use a dime of those loans for educational expenses and that “you” defrauded them into giving you money to buy a boat. I’m a lawyer that deals in civil fraud and I’ve seen these matters turn sour once a US attorney decides the fraud at issue was criminal. In those situations, our focus shifts from winning restitution for our client to make sure they don’t get fingered as a co-conspirator. Your parents have committed a serious federal offense that carries harsh penalties and is a “crime of moral turpitude”. A conviction will ruin your life and even that’s a bit of an understatement. It will ruin your parents lives too, but now you have to choose whether you risk your future for the sake of protecting theirs.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread