AITA for throwing my biological daughter out of my house after she accused me of "abandoning" her?

NAH, but over a decade of being lied to and emotionally abused/manipulated by your ex isn't going to resolve itself overnight. The good news is that she's receptive to having a relationship with you, which is pretty amazing all things considered. However, rebuilding that relationship with your daughter is something which will take years.

She's still a teenager so the onus is really on you to be the adult, you're the one who needs to reach out with an olive branch. That might mean apologizing just for the sake of maintaining an open line of communication with her. I would say the possibility of rekindling a relationship with her is more than worth it.

I also want to make it clear that this is going to be a long and bumpy road. My mother in law also got screwed over by her ex, who gained full custody of their daughter and moved out of country. It took a long time for her to heal things with her daughter, but was more than worth it in the end.

You absolutely need to reach out to her with an olive branch as soon as possible or you'll find yourself in a similar position ten or twenty years from now. You don't want to throw away this opportunity.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread