AITA for trolling customers who keep asking me where I’m “really” from?

Okay, so please forgive the heathen, but I don’t quite understand the offence here- would someone mind explaining?

For context: I work in health care in a regional town in Australia with a fluctuating transient/backpacker population. “Where you from?” has always been a standard ice breaker for as long as I can remember. I’ve never felt offended when I get asked (I’m a mix of everything so I do get asked a lot more than my colleagues) and I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who’s taken offence.

Even First Nations people ask and get asked, because many are visiting or passing through from different lands. It’s how we express respect for country and family connections, learn news- like someone has passed and sorry time is happening.

The concept of the question being offensive is just a bit foreign to me when it’s so commonplace here.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread