AITA for uninviting my fiancés friends after they were rude to my friend

These details are very important. 45-50 guests is generally a very small, intimate gathering.

Couple of things:

Leave Hannah out of your argument. She has nothing to do with this. This isn’t about Hannah.

Mixed engagement gatherings are not synonymous with wedding invitations! Never! Do not mix them up. Bridal showers on the other hand are tricky. Was there a close enough friendship that these friends received a shower invitation? If so, you need to reconsider here.

But it doesn’t sound like it. Your “fiancé doesn’t see them at all since uni?“.

If I were the friend from Uni do you know what I’d say? I haven’t seen “Dick” since uni and now I’ve been invited to Dick and Abbey’s wedding. The last thing I can afford is a wedding gift!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread