AITA for uninviting my brother and SIL from my wedding when they all dropped out of my wedding party?

“This feels like a story where if we heard her version of events it would be really different.”*

Exactly this! So much about the word choice here makes me question whether OP is just incredibly unpleasant to communicate/interact with.

She clearly wasn’t understanding about the financial burden on their family. That bachelorette would’ve been expensive af to attend. Plus babysitting. Yeah, they were offered some financial assistance… but if someone had an attitude like OP, I wouldn’t want to spend any money on attending a party for them. Or maybe they didn’t want their kids with a sitter the whole weekend. Or maybe they couldn’t find one (rather than “didn’t want to”). Idk y’all. So many reasons.

Sure, she didn’t like to communicate directly. I wonder whatever could be the reason behind that?? Surely not thoughtfulness. “Claiming that she doesn’t wanna bother me or knows I’m always busy.” Why “claiming”? Sounds almost… excessively suspicious - at least it seems excessive to me without evidence to back it up. OP seems pretty keen on giving examples, after all. And don’t tell me that word choice doesn’t mean shit. It does. She chose that word for a reason. (Sorry, I’m getting defensive preemptively because ya know… Reddit)

The dress thing… honestly just sounded like their way out. I’d be so tired of being harangued by someone like OP. So tired.

Anyway. The whole thing is sus.

But I’m also stoned and gotta get back to my Oreos, so idk man.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent