AITA for using a fart machine to get revenge on my noisy neighbours?


This was hilarious!

Your colleagues seem to lack a sense of humor!

But of course... looking at the bigger picture of life quality...

Might perhaps be time for you and your husband to consider moving, if you can? Maybe to a quiter more spacious neighborhood? If you move further out from this neighborhood, you might even be able to get a bigger place, bigger yard, for cheaper than your current place?

Of course that might mean a longer commute time, but could be worth it, if the time you spend at home anyways isn't all that pleasant, and is spent in tensions with neighbors.

So longer commute means less time at home...

But of the time you do spend at home, might mean much happier time! In other words: better to have some hours of pleasant/peaceful time at home, rather than near-zero-hours due to utterly-inconsiderate neighbors.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread