AITA for walking away from my wife and kids at Costco?

YTA There are at least a few things you should try to work on. For one you prioritized how others look at you over the well being of your children and wife (while it was not a dangerous situation you rather risk your kids having a full blown screaming match if it escalated than appearing “trashy” because you opened something before buying it). What would you have done on a hot day and your kids where extremely thirsty, wait until after paying? The other thing is your wife and you need to get on the same page parenting wise what are your rules and how you teach these to the children in a child friendly way (just saying no when the children already having a problem with no in an stressful environment and situation isn’t a really good way to teach the children and makes a situation much more difficult than it has to be). Most likely your wife just wanted to prevent a full blown meltdown in that situation (what is very understandable). Also you both are parents and partners you need to pull your weight and can’t just leave her to fend for herself, when it gets “uncomfortable” for you. Maybe try to get to the root of your believe that it is trashy to open something before buying (a lot of people do it and in most stores it isn’t that big of a deal because most people are very understanding).

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread