AITA For walking out of my stepson's wedding after what he said?


you, because you were well aware of how your stepson viewed you and still expected something else and then reacted poorly when he acted how he felt was appropriate for his wedding, hes never viewed you as his dad and you shouldn't expect to take his real dads place in his wedding speech. This is a long standing grudge that you finally reacted to in the middle of his speech at his wedding.

You should have controlled yourself or stepped up years ago and talked to your stepson about your role in his life instead of choosing to give and then being resentful. You're not his dad, he has a dad and he clearly doesn't put you in that role, he has never lied or been shy about telling you this but you still interrupted his wedding over this because you got your feelings hurt.

Your stepson obviously sucks for lying about whose helped him and taking you for granted but if he thinks that his dad was more helpful then you, then let him. Stop helping him.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread