AITA for wanting to see my long distance bf more than once a month?

I get what you're saying and we have tried many things to make them feel more comfortable including not staying in common areas at all unless everyone is gone from the apt or we're going to the kitchen for food, going out for an entire day if they request it, talking to my roommates ahead of time to make sure they don't have a busy schedule that weekend (if they do, we would move our visiting dates), asking specifically what we can do to make them feel more comfortable (usually all I get from them is to stay clean - we even clean their extra dirty dishes to appease them)

I get that if we do 50/50 visits, it's close to what I wanted anyway but I felt very restricted like my choice to do so was taken away from me, instead it's enforced by a rule that I must leave if I want to see him twice that month. Also, what if there is an occasion that I am too busy and I can't visit him but I still want to see him twice that month? Note: his schedule allows for much more flexibility than mine.

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