AITA for wanting my daughter’s boyfriend/soon-to-be fiance to know her dark secret before marriage?

I'm going to have to correct OP here. ASPD is usually something psychopaths are diagnosed with. It is something you are born with. You are a born as a psychopath, but a sociopath is something you can become later in life due to trauma or something else. Psychopaths are usually described as charming, manipulative people who can't feel emphaty towards others. They are also very dishonest. They key difference that I find in psychopaths and sociopaths is how they feel towards people they love or have a strong bond with. Psychopaths can hurt someone they love and feel no pain and remorse while a sociopath can hurt someone they love and can feel remorse. Psychopaths also don't care about the negative consquenses while a sociopath may learn to avoid them by not displaying ASPD behavior. I don't want to insult your daughter but it seems to me that she is likely to be a psychopath and a sociopath, though the two conditions are very similair. I cannot honestly say who the asshole is here. So I'm just leaving this here and if OP thinks this comment is disturbing or doesn't like it, I will remove it or edit it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread