AITA for wanting my boyfriend to move back in with his parents whilst he goes back to college?

I feel like i'm being taken advantage of. I broke up with my ex because I was supporting him 100% and I resented it after a while. It will literally drive me insane knowing that he's not getting up for work, and is running up the utility bills because he's going to be home all day.


You are entitled to your feelings on the matter. You have a good reason for feeling as you do. Given how long you two have been together he really should have known better.

That said, your current boyfriend isn't your last boyfriend. He's getting a Masters degree. It's presumable that he'll be employable again and might even command a salary comparable to your own. Couples do make sacrifices today for their security and success tomorrow. If you think he could be 'the one' then you should consider rethinking this and/or discussing it with him further. It's understandable why he doesn't want to move back home. Maybe you can 'loan' him his share of the rent and utilities at a reasonable interest rate.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread