AITA for wanting to get my work done on time rather than sit around talking about how """cute""" someone's kid is?

Pretty disrespectful overall to both her and people with kids

It’s pretty disrespectful to interfere with a colleagues work

38F senior manager


just because something affects you that doesn’t mean it’s about you

Doesn’t change the fact that it’s affecting OP and their work

Clearly your project is more important to you than to her

Clearly it is, OP will be the one to face repercussions if the delay causes them to miss the deadline

and she gets to make the call if she’s the superior

Delaying someone else’s work makes you a terrible superior

If it was so urgent and she needed it, she would’ve been focused on it

It doesn’t matter if it’s urgent to her it’s urgent to OP. If you were my manager and believed it was okay to delay my work to talk about your personal life I would dread working under you. At least it’s painfully obvious you’ve never been involved in senior management in your life.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread