AITA For wanting my GF to pay me for staying home with our son while she goes to work

I’m going to go against popular opinion and say YTA because I don’t think OP is providing all the relevant details. He says that finances are separate, but he only mention car and student loan payments. Even assuming the 4 days at childcare are split, there are lots of other bills. GF’s mom provides shelter, but who pays for food, electricity, clothing, diapers, entertainment, etc? Does GF contribute to household expenses by paying her mom? Is the mom providing housing and childcare as a gift to solely to GF or to both GF and OP? Also, there the issue of why is only GF contributing to savings to move out? Is it because OP doesn’t earn enough or is his money going elsewhere, such as hobbies while GF puts her money in savings for the family? I think it’s unfair to say that GF is financially abusing OP Without more information. Btw, this would be the same for me if the genders were swapped.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread